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Hank and Ray's Mountain Retreat

Sir Hank and Sir Ray reside in the western reaches of the Queen Christine's lands within Mikey's Realms. The well groomed lands of these nobles are frequented by other inhabitants of the Realm at weeks end for the pleasures of Hank and Ray's company and the scenery of the surrounding hills and mountains.

Sir Ray is notorious for his mis-adventures with the monsters of many lands. Below is a picture seconds from his most un-glorious moment.

Ray and his new friend. 
	Image of Godzilla courtesy of www.godzilla.com. After a brave attempt to scare off the great beast with his shreiking, Sir Ray managed to escape only by plunging through the unfinished porch of a nearby domicile. The great beast went on to destroy other lands, namely Tokyo, certainly thanks to Sir Ray's cunning.

To email Ray or Hank:
